Author page: UFG admin

Buone Feste

Buone Feste

UFG vi augura BUON NATALE e FELICE ANNO NUOVO! Vi ricordiamo anche che saremo chiusi dal 24/12/21 al 7/2/2022 compresi. UFG wishes you a HAPPY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR! We would also like to remind you that we will be closed from 24/12/21 to 7/2/2022 inclusive.

Precision mechanical grinding

Precision mechanical grinding

UFG srl performs grinding operations carried out by so called grinding machines which have as a tool a grinding wheel with different granulometers according to the types of materials to be processed. Machining is carried out mainly on rectilinear and circular surfaces, gears, shafts, hubs, bushings, evolving profiles, threads, special designs, etc.